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摘錄《都市日報》副刊 - 本行導師

"By taking the first step and choosing a beautiful learning environment, along with the careful guidance of our teachers, it is easy to learn."


Excerpt from a feature article by one of our instructors in the Metro Daily newspaper.

About Muse Music @ Central

「每個人心目中都有一首屬於自己的旋律,繆斯琴行® 主張音樂無界限,擁有優美的學習環境 , 加上良師的啟發 , 帶領大人和孩子進入無限奇妙的音樂世界。」

摘錄 兒童教育雜誌 本行專訪


繆斯琴行® 中環 Muse Music Company ,致力於提供高質素音樂藝術教育的學習中心。地理位置鄰近中環中心、恒生總行、國際金融中心及港鐵站,交通便利。我們的學習環境具有濃厚的音樂藝術氣息,讓學生能夠在專業的指導下學習和成長。此外,我們的教學團隊擁有豐富的教學、演奏經驗和學歷,能夠提供專業的訓練和指導,讓學生能夠在音樂藝術領域不斷進步和發展。無論是成人還是兒童,我們都能夠提供高質素的音樂藝術教育,例如成人鋼琴課程,兒童鋼琴課程,司琴伴奏課程等等,並帶給學生音樂的美妙與魅力。


『繆斯』Muse音‧讀妙,這個詞的意思是靈感的來源,一些和音樂藝術有關的英文單詞,例如 (音樂Music; 博物館Museum)等,也是由 (Muse) 一字演變出來。 

"Everyone has a melody in their hearts that belongs to them. Muse Music advocates for music without boundaries, with a beautiful learning environment and the inspiration of great teachers to lead both adults and children into the infinite and magical world of music." 


Excerpt from an interview in a children's education magazine.

Muse Music is located in Central and is committed to providing high-quality music education. Our location is close to The Center, Hang Seng Bank headquarters, IFC and MTR station, making transportation convenient. The learning environment has a strong musical and artistic atmosphere, allowing students to learn and grow under professional guidance. In addition, the teaching team has extensive teaching, performance experience, and educational background, providing professional training and guidance for students to continuously improve and develop in the field of music. Whether you are an adult or a child, we can provide high-quality music education and bring the delight and charm of music to students.

The word "Muse" means the source of inspiration, and some English words related to music and art, such as "Music" and "Museum," are also derived from the word "Muse."


Centre's Snapshot​

​~Clickable Image~

 Collaborative Partners 


中樂團 HKCO
影音使團 tme

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宣傳信件務必寄至: 香港中環郵政總局 10239號

Promotional letters must be sent to:

GPO 10239 Central. Hong Kong.

繆斯琴行® 學習中心地址


香港中環 租庇利街 1 號 喜訊大廈705室 

​Muse Music Learning center addresses

(No promotional mail,  WhatsApp appointments only)

Rm 705, Haleson Building,

No.1 Jubilee Street, Central, Hong Kong.


Click here to view the Google Maps location and

get directions

交通建議 Transportation suggestions

中環站 C 出口

香港站 D 出口 - 步行約3分鐘

Central Station Exit C
Hong Kong Station Exit D - approximately 3 minutes' walk

鄰近大廈及地標 Nearby buildings and landmarks

中環街市文創藝術地標  Central Market

中環中心 The Center

國際金融中心 IFC

恒生總行 Hang Seng Headquarter

​星展銀行 DBS Bank


6611 4800

(點擊號碼進行文字即時查詢, 為有效回覆,請勿使用撥打功能

Click on the number for real-time text inquiry, For an effective response, please do not use the call function.

電話 Phone:

2115 9308

電郵 Email:

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